
Rubycell Shooting Plusルビーセル・シューティングプラス

2,530 円(税込)

内側のルビーセルに、【CFA-111】Shooting Liquid等のフライラインクリーナーを染みこませ、ロッドのバット部付近に装着して使用します。

An easy-to-use line cleaning tool in the field.
Soak the four ruby cells inside with a fly line cleaner such as [CFA-111] Shooting Liquid, and attach near the butt of the rod.
Fold rods and flyline with main body, 4 magnets inside will hold rod and line stable, then wind fly reel.
The four ruby cells can be removed and washed, so you can use them in a clean state many times.
● With Ruby Cell Shooting Plus, you can quickly perform line maintenance at the field before the approach.
●Fill the foam on the reel side with shooting liquid, sandwich the rod and line, and attach the rod with a magnet. After setting, you can easily perform line maintenance simply by winding it up.

Dimension incl.package (W×H×D):130×155×16(mm)
Weight incl.package:28g

(品番:CFA-110 / 商品コード:1120009) JAN:4560111381499 / UPC:754072019025

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